T Tech designs Quick Circuit prototyping systems
with the engineer’s valuable time in mind
T Tech Quick Circuit Systems
Intelligent data conversion software, simple setup and use, and unlimited technical support are a few of the ways T Tech has achieved the satisfaction of thousands of customers! The Quick Circuit is a desktop prototyping solution used in the design and fabrication phase of a prototype product.
In-house prototyping will save your company both time and money.
T Tech Quick Circuit prototyping systems mill away unwanted copper creating your circuit board by leaving pads and traces. Quickly produce accurate circuit board prototypes directly from your CAD package’s data. Import Gerber, DXF, and Excellon files. Drill, mill, and route traces and spaces as fine as 0.004″.
T Tech Quick Circuit is the perfect solution for producing analog, digital, or RF/microwave prototypes. Quick Circuit systems offer a variety of options including; automatic tool change and automatic depth control, 24K-100K spindle speeds, a wide range of table sizes, electronic, pneumatic, or stepper motor controlled Z-axis, air bearing pressure foot, fiducial recognition, and a fully integrated vacuum table.